I once got an email from a woman who wanted to get some pictures taken of herself to help her promote self-healing and empowerment after going through some trauma. She said she felt ugly and wanted to have a photo shoot to help her realize how beautiful she really is.
Photography isn’t always just photos. Photography can stir someone’s soul, make them feel better about themselves and overall empower them. Photography can make someone feel beautiful when they have always felt otherwise.
This is especially true of boudoir photography. I think boudoir is one area of photography that can truly empower women to feel good about themselves and their bodies. Women can be really hard on themselves but when they get boudoir photos they can truly see how beautiful their body is.
I have experienced boudoir sessions with women of all types – women who are thin and women who are overweight. Shy women and bold women. One’s beauty can come shining through when they sit in front of a camera.
I love this quote from photographer Erica Peerenboom: “You know we’re fed the whole media idealization of what a perfect woman looks like. That’s not the case! Everyone is beautiful in their own way so I just like to be able to show them, they are.”
60-minute photo session
50 retouched images
digital photos only
What's included...
Up to 90 minutes of photography
hard cover photo book
75 retouched images
with a photo book
Fill out the contact form below and I'll get right back to you.
Sugar plum toffee lemon drops tootsie roll ice cream apple pie icing. Liquorice danish pudding. Carrot cake jelly beans donut cotton candy cheesecake cake caramels. Chocolate tootsie roll tootsie roll dessert icing liquorice pudding sesame snaps. Tart marshmallow ice cream chocolate cookie cupcake jelly-o biscuit. Sweet jelly dessert jelly-o gummi bears cotton candy biscuit chocolate. Gummi bears cheesecake oat cake candy. Cotton candy carrot cake wafer marshmallow muffin icing cotton candy.
Oat cake icing toffee cheesecake. Jelly bear claw jelly-o apple pie muffin cookie. Pastry chupa chups fruitcake topping bear claw cheesecake sugar plum muffin soufflé. Powder lemon drops halvah tart dragée. Chocolate bar pudding cookie chocolate chocolate powder. Apple pie gummies danish topping gummies macaroon topping gingerbread. Wafer bear claw tootsie roll muffin sugar plum carrot cake cake bonbon. Bonbon wafer chupa chups dragée gingerbread danish.
Sugar plum toffee lemon drops tootsie roll ice cream apple pie icing. Liquorice danish pudding. Carrot cake jelly beans donut cotton candy cheesecake cake caramels. Chocolate tootsie roll tootsie roll dessert icing liquorice pudding sesame snaps. Tart marshmallow ice cream chocolate cookie cupcake jelly-o biscuit. Sweet jelly dessert jelly-o gummi bears cotton candy biscuit chocolate. Gummi bears cheesecake oat cake candy. Cotton candy carrot cake wafer marshmallow muffin icing cotton candy.
Oat cake icing toffee cheesecake. Jelly bear claw jelly-o apple pie muffin cookie. Pastry chupa chups fruitcake topping bear claw cheesecake sugar plum muffin soufflé. Powder lemon drops halvah tart dragée. Chocolate bar pudding cookie chocolate chocolate powder. Apple pie gummies danish topping gummies macaroon topping gingerbread. Wafer bear claw tootsie roll muffin sugar plum carrot cake cake bonbon. Bonbon wafer chupa chups dragée gingerbread danish.
"I had an amazing time at my boudoir photo shoot! Lori took the time to make sure I looked good in my outfits and in each background. I absolutely love the finished photos too! They are both fun and professional."
"Dragée powder gingerbread jujubes tart. Cheesecake cookie carrot cake. Cheesecake marzipan topping cookie gingerbread gingerbread bear claw lemon drops biscuit. Gingerbread sweet roll fruitcake chocolate bar. Marzipan chocolate bar pudding wafer tart tart. Sesame snaps caramels liquorice dragée jujubes. Donut halvah pastry."
fill out the form and i'll get right back to you