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If you’ve been to a wedding dance lately, you will notice the disc jockeys have for the most part gone high tech. Most store their music electronically, for example on tablets that they can easily find any song they need.
At least one area DJ is bucking that trend. I was amazed by the DJ at the last wedding I photographed actually had two turntables and small suitcases filled with vinyl records. Most of these records were 45 RPM, those small discs with single songs on them.
The DJ is Faruq Yazid-Foster, aka William Foster. His company is called DJ Relic and his card says he specializes in vinyl 45s and LPs, mainly soul, 80s, hip hop and some “world music.”
I noticed at least six small old fashioned cases stuffed with 45s. I asked him how he could find what he was looking for and he definitely has a system. One case contained this style of music, another case another style. He pointed to one box of 45s and said that was his Prince collection. He had a Michael Jackson collection in another area.
Throughout the night Faruq was reaching for 45s, rifling through various vinyl discs to find what he was looking for. He would spin one on one turntable then get the next turntable ready to spin the next disc as soon as the first one was over.
I asked him why he does it this way in an era of online music. He says for him it is organic and a true way of playing music today.
The guests at the wedding seemed equally impressed by the record-spinning DJ. There were lots of people on the dance floor and while he couldn’t fulfill all music requests, people seemed content with what he was playing.
I suspect DJ Relic actually gets jobs because of the way he plays music. I just don’t envy him having to pack up and carry everything out when he leaves.
DJ Relic can be reached at 402-730-9894.