Welcome to my blog. On this page you will find articles I personally write about the photography industry and my work. You will also see blogs showing the photos from many of my photo sessions.
My photography style has evolved through the years. Right now, I would call my photography style natural.
As little as a year ago I was experimenting with different editing styles. I was adding new skies to backgrounds and adding filters and colors and suns. At the time I really liked the way my photos looked when I was doing all that. Actually I still do.
However, I have decided to change my style to a more natural-looking photograph. My photography now is brighter and lighter. It has natural skies and natural coloring. This is not to say I will never do any color enhancement in my photos because I will do that when needed.
However, my photos now will look like the real thing. They will look natural without a lot of fake details added.
While I have not yet completely embraced the light and airy look, I intend to move more into that direction. My photos will be, as I said, lighter and brighter. I don’t intend to make them look over-exposed, like I believe some light and airy photos look, but photos can look light and bright without looking over-exposed. That is my intent. Here are some examples of my work.
I don’t embrace the natural light photography style either. While it sounds very romantic to the public, I firmly believe that most outdoor photos need a little boost of light to look better. That little flash of light can add just the needed amount of light on the face and the catch-lights in the eye.
I believe that relying on the natural light only handicaps the photographer into shooting just one way. This is why you will see me walking around on a photo shoot with a small strobe light in hand or on a tripod. I want to provide that extra boost of light that will take a photo from ordinary to spectacular.
If you have any particular questions about my photo style, please don’t hesitate to ask.